The secrets to raising smart kids

The 10+ Secrets to Raising Smart Kids, According to Science

You’ve probably heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. There’s a lot of truth to that statement. A child’s environment, including the people in it plays a big role in their development.

What Are the Secrets to Raising Smart Kids?

If you want your kids to be smart, you need to provide them with a stimulating environment that encourages learning. That means having lots of books around, interesting toys to play with, and opportunities to explore and experiment.

It also means spending time with your kids, talking to them, and teaching them new things. You can’t just plop them in front of the TV and expect them to become geniuses. They need your involvement to reach their full potential.

So, if you want to raise smart kids, create a stimulating environment for them and take an active role in their education. It’ll make a world of difference in their development and in their future success.

Kids exploring wooden building blocks with their mother
Kids exploring wooden building blocks with their mother/ Source: Unsplash

The Importance of Modeling for Parenting Success and Childhood Development

One of the best things you can do for your children is to be a good role model. Studies have shown that children who have parents who are academically successful are more likely to be academically successful themselves. In addition, children who see their parents taking an interest in learning and intellectual pursuits are more likely to develop a love of learning themselves.

So, what does this mean for you? If you want your children to be smart, successful, and love learning, make sure they see you modeling those behaviors. Read books, visit museums, and have intellectually stimulating conversations with your children on a regular basis. You can even make a family tradition out of this to motivate everyone to participate. Show them that learning is important to you, and they will be more likely to follow your lead.

The Need of Praise for Motivation

Praise is important for children for a few reasons. First, it helps them feel good about themselves and their accomplishments. Second, praise motivates children to keep doing what they’re doing – if they know they’ll be praised for doing something, they’re more likely to keep doing it. Finally, praise helps children understand what it is that adults value. When adults praise children for things like being kind or helpful, it shows children that those are the things their parents appreciate.

How Can Parents Implement the Secrets and Raise Smart and Successful Kids?

Here are some suggestions I’ve tried:

1. Teach Social Skills and Social Expectations for Intelligent Brain

It is essential for parents to teach their children social skills. A lack of social skills can lead to problems later in life, such as difficulty making friends, difficulty keeping a job, and even homelessness.

There are a number of ways that parents can teach social skills to their children. One way is to model proper social behavior. This means that parents should act the way they want their children to act.

Me and my husband for example, would say “Thank you” and “You’re welcome” to each other and to our children. Over time, we noticed that our kids started following our behavior not only with us, but with other people as well.

So providing opportunity for practice is also essential. This can be done by enrolling children in sports teams or clubs, or by setting up play dates with other children.

It is also important for parents to talk to their children about social skills. This means teaching children about things like how to start a conversation, how to keep a conversation going, and how to deal with conflict. By teaching children about social skills, parents can help them avoid many of the problems that can arise from a lack of social skills.

2. Don’t Overprotect to Parent Smart

One of the most important things you can do for your children is to let them face some challenges, problems and difficulties in life. It might be tempting to try to protect them from everything, but this will only make them feel less capable and prevent them from developing the skills they need to be successful such as independence, self-reliance, critical thinking and creativity.

If you’re uncomfortable you can start with something simple such as not providing ideas for what to do when bored. Then you can encourage them to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from their experiences (just within limits and safety, of course!)

3. Teach Independence

Teach your kids the value of independence early on. It’s one of the most important traits they can have. It will serve them well throughout their lives, whether they’re starting a business, raising a family, or just managing their own lives.

There are a few things you can do to teach them independence:

Encourage them to make their own decisions, even if they’re small ones.

Let them experience the consequences of their choices, both good and bad.

– Help them learn how to solve problems on their own.

– Encourage them to be self-reliant and to take care of themselves.

Independence is a valuable trait that will help your kids in every area of their lives. Start teaching it to them early and help them develop it throughout their lives.

4. Limit Screen Time and Encourage Any Non-screen Activities. Feeling Bored Is OK!

As a parent, you want your child to be successful in life. You may be wondering what you can do to help them reach their potential. While there is no one answer that will work for every child, there are some general principles that can help. One of the most important things you can do is to limit screen time and encourage any non-screen activities.

It can be tempting to let your child use screens as a way to entertain themselves, but too much screen time can have negative consequences. Not only because there are so many weird games lurking on kids’ devices, but also because too much screen time can lead to problems with attention and focus, and it can make it difficult for children to socialize and interact with others. Instead of letting them veg out in front of a screen, encourage them to do something else. Maybe they can read a book, play with a toy, or clean their bath toys.

Two girls painting with water colors
Limit screen time and encourage off-screen activities to develop motor skills/ Source: Geekly Family

In addition, you should encourage your child to embrace boredom. Feeling bored is ok, and it’s a normal part of life. When children are bored, it gives them a chance to use their imaginations and be creative. If they’re always being entertained by screens, they may never learn how to entertain themselves.

5. Assign Chores and Teach Responsibility and Self Discipline

One way to raise smart and successful kids is to assign them chores. However, as statistics show only 28% of parents actually do this.

Assigning chores is greatly beneficial for children, so have patience and don’t get frustrated or give up if they are not delivering from the first time. Chores will teach your children responsibility and self discipline. It’ll also instill a strong work ethic which will serve them well in all aspects of their lives.

6. Don’t Be Too Soft or Let the Kid Dominate the House

Parents, you need to be careful not to be too soft on your kids. If you’re too soft, they’ll never learn how to fend for themselves. They’ll never learn how to be independent. They’ll never learn how to be successful. Instead, they’ll always be reliant on you and they’ll never truly be happy.

That doesn’t mean you should be a drill sergeant either. You also don’t want to let your kids run the show. If you do, they’ll never learn how to respect authority or how to be a team player. They’ll never learn how to be successful.

So what’s the secret to raising smart and successful kids? It’s a balance. You need to be firm but loving. You need to be able to say no but also be willing to listen. You need to be able to teach them right from wrong but also give them the freedom to make mistakes. If you can do all of those things, you’ll be on your way to raising smart and successful kids.

7. Sports Activity and Resilience Will Help Kids Be Smart

It’s no secret that many successful people were involved in sports during their childhood and adolescence. Participation in sports can teach kids important life lessons, such as how to persevere in the face of adversity and how to be a team player.

In addition, kids who are involved in sports tend to have higher self-esteem and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. So, if you want your kids to be smart and successful, encourage them to get involved in sports!

8. Explain Things and Stimulate Thirst for Knowledge and Figuring Things Out

As parents, we want our children to be happy and successful in life. We often think that the best way to achieve this is to give them everything they want. However, research has shown that this is not the case. In fact, children who are given everything they want often grow up to be entitled and spoiled.

So, what should you as a parent do in such case? The answer is simple: explain that in life things should be earned, give examples from your own life and point out a direction.

As the first child, my son was used to getting everything he wanted. However, we started noticing that he’d take things for granted. Break his toys on the excuse that he’ll get a new one. So, we started explaining that toys aren’t free and me and my husband have to work (read not to spend time with him) to pay for them.

When we explain things to our children, we are not only teaching them about the world around them, but we are also helping them to develop critical thinking skills. And when we stimulate their thirst for knowledge, we are encouraging them to be curious and to ask questions.

So, the next time you are tempted to just give your child what they want, take a step back and try to explain things to them instead. It may take a little bit more time, but it will be worth it in the long run.

9. Introduce Reading and Math to Them Early

It’s never too early to start teaching your kids the basics of reading and math. By introducing these concepts to them at an early age, you’ll set them up for success in school and beyond.

There are a number of ways you can do this, such as:

  • Read to them every day. This will help them develop their literacy skills.
  • Incorporate math into everyday activities. For example, you can count steps as you walk, or identify shapes when you’re out and about.
  • Encourage them to ask questions. This will help them develop their critical thinking skills.

By teaching your kids reading and math early on, you’ll give them a strong foundation on which to build their future reading comprehension success.

10. Celebrate Curiosity and Problem Solving

One of the best things you can do as a parent is to celebrate your child’s curiosity. When they’re constantly asking questions and exploring the world around them, it’s a sign that they’re growing and learning. Of course, it can be frustrating at times (especially when you’re trying to get them to go to bed), but it’s important to encourage this behavior.

Here are some ways you can celebrate your child’s curiosity:

– Take the time to answer their questions, even if you don’t know the answer yourself. You can always look it up together.

– Encourage them to try new things, even if they’re afraid. It’s okay to let them fail sometimes – it’s how they learn.

– Help them find ways to explore their interests. If they’re interested in animals, take them to the zoo or read books about animals together.

By celebrating your child’s curiosity, you’re helping them to become smart and successful.

11. Praise Efforts, Experience and Not Results

It’s important for parents to praise their children’s efforts and not results. This sets the foundation for a child to become motivated and successful. When a child is praised for their efforts, they learn that it’s their hard work and dedication that is being recognized – not just the end result. This encourages them to keep putting in the effort, even when they don’t achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, children who are praised for their efforts are more likely to take risks and try new things, as they know that their efforts will be recognized and appreciated.

12. Show Boring, Science and Educational Cartoons Rich With Information and Not Just Entertainment

One way parents can help their children become smart and successful is by exposing them to educational cartoons. This may sound boring, but it is actually a great way to help kids learn. Cartoons often teach important life lessons and can be very entertaining. By showing your kids educational cartoons, you can help them develop important skills and knowledge.

12. Don’t Just Read Stories Aloud to Them, Reading Aloud With Them Is What Counts

One of the best things that parents can do to help their kids be successful is to read aloud with them. Not only does this help with their literacy skills, but it also allows for bonding time between parent and child. When kids see their parents reading, it sets a good example and shows them that reading is important. Additionally, parents can help their children pick out books that are appropriate for their age and interests. This way, they are more likely to actually enjoy reading stories.

13. Make It a Habit to Go to Your Local Library and Pick Books to Read

When I was a kid there was a library in my neighborhood and it was the favorite place for me and my cousins. We loved going there, browsing through the shelves and talking to the librarians. We would also pick books, read them and discuss what we liked and disliked. And this is what I always wanted to teach my children.

So, if we as parents make it a habit to go to your local library and pick books to read, our children can easily follow and even get excited for it! Reading activity not only develops your child’s imagination, but also helps them learn new words and develop their vocabulary. Furthermore, studies have shown that children who are read to on a regular basis tend to do better in school. So make it a point to visit your local library today and start checking out books with your children!

Children books/ Source: Geekly Family

14. Pick Up Audio Books or Wonderbooks and Read Along Together

If your children are not into hardcover books then you can try audio books. When kids read along with audio books or Wonderbooks, they are more likely to stay engaged and interested in the story. This, in turn, helps them to better retain the information that they are reading.

So, next time you’re at the library, be sure to pick up an audio book or Wonderbook to help your kid read along. You may just be helping them on their way to becoming a smart and successful adult.


Raising smart, healthy and resilient kids is the dream and purpose of every parent. However, things are easier said than done, so parents often lose track of feel insecure how to achieve this. This guide spills the beans on the parents’ secrets to raising smart children, and provides direction for implementation. Yet, you should never forget that every child is different and you as a parent will know best what works best for them.


1. How can we raise smart and kind kids?

Here are some things you can do to help your child develop into a caring and intelligent individual:

  • Encourage your child to be curious and ask questions. A curious mind is a sign of intelligence.
  • Foster a love of learning in your child. Reading together, going on field trips, and doing fun science experiments are all great ways to do this.
  • Teach your child empathy. Help them understand how other people are feeling and why.
  • Model kindness yourself. Show your child how to be a good friend, how to lend a helping hand, and how to be respectful of others.

By taking these steps, you can give your child the best chance at growing up to be a smart and kind individual.

2. What is the difference between IQ and EQ?

IQ is your intellectual quotient and EQ is your emotional quotient. IQ deals with what you are able to do, while EQ deals with how you feel about yourself and the world around you.

3. How can I help my child develop a love of learning?

Help your child develop a love of learning is to provide them with lots of opportunities for success. One way you can do this is by encouraging your child’s interest in learning through positive reinforcement.

4. What is the best way to encourage my child’s creativity?

There are a number of ways to encourage your child’s creativity. One could be for them to use their imagination and play pretend with friends or family members. Another way would be by letting them find inspiration in more traditional forms of art like painting, drawing or dance.

5. What role does nature vs. nurture play in my child’s intelligence?

Nature vs. nurture refers to the question of how much a child is naturally born with intelligence and how much they are shaped or influenced by their environment. It’s important that parents realize that their child’s intelligence is shaped by multiple factors and that attempts to solely blame the environment won’t be effective.

6. How can I help my child develop critical thinking skills?

Critical thinking skills are typically developed through the use of reading, writing and doing assignments. It is important to provide your child with a range of opportunities that will challenge their creativity and help them learn and grow.

7. What are some ways to encourage my child’s problem-solving abilities?

Some ways to encourage the problem-solving abilities of your child can be things like play games or puzzles that have a definite answer, such as tic tac toe and bingo. Or give your child a challenge and then let them make their own decisions about how to solve it, for example by assembling blocks into a tower or building with LEGO pieces.

8. How can I help my child develop a growth mindset?

The most important thing you can do for your child is to cultivate a growth mindset. This means that they believe anything is possible and whatever obstacles they may face, it’s all about working harder and bringing their best effort.

The renowned American psychologist Carol Dweck, has explained the growth mindset in such a simplistic yet powerful way and I strongly encourage you to watch her talk on YouTube.

9. What are some ways to encourage my child’s social and emotional intelligence?

Encouraging a child’s social and emotional intelligence may be as simple as asking them what they think is the most important skill in a person. For example, if you are asking them what the most important skill is, they might say “being able to tell whether someone’s lying or not.”

10. What are some ways to encourage my child’s self-awareness?

Some ideas:

– Encourage them to think about and discuss their thoughts on things.

– Help them to understand how they can benefit and be hurt by the choices they make.

– Listening attentively without interrupting what your child has to say, and letting him

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