When Do Kids Learn to Count? Teaching Counting to Your Child and Math Milestones

When Do Kids Learn to Count? Teaching Counting to Your Child and Math Milestones

As with pretty much everything, we as parents tend to worry if our toddler seems behind with essential skills such as speaking, reading, recognizing colors, and of course, counting. This is because the period between the ages 2 and 4 is the crucial one for setting the foundations of your child’s skills. However, as you…

The [20+] Best STEM Birthday Party Ideas to Try in 2022

The [20+] Best STEM Birthday Party Ideas to Try in 2022

Is there anything better than a themed birthday party for kids? Yes, there is. The STEM birthday party! These parties are the absolute favorite with kids because they are activity filled so the kids don’t feel bored even for a second. Moreover, they even learn something useful while having fun. So what are some STEM…

How to Raise Healthy, Smart and Resilient Kids According to Statistics for 2022
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How to Raise Healthy, Smart and Resilient Kids According to Statistics for 2022

Raising healthier, smarter and more resilient kids is something that all parents strive for. And if you are a parent you’re probably wondering where to begin. Statistics show that 50-80% of a child’s academic success depends on the parents’ genetics. But don’t get disappointed yet! In spite of this high inherent percentage, there is still…

The 10+ Secrets to Raising Smart Kids, According to Science

The 10+ Secrets to Raising Smart Kids, According to Science

You’ve probably heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. There’s a lot of truth to that statement. A child’s environment, including the people in it plays a big role in their development. What Are the Secrets to Raising Smart Kids? If you want your kids to be smart, you need…